SC Two
Eyed Lady - 2014 AQHA buckskin filly
Pretty filly, stands about
15.1 hands. She's been used at the ranch working cattle and the favorite
of the boss, thus not for sale at this time.
sire |
Jess Tivio (Jessie Tivio) |
Jess King |
Back With
Magic King |
SC Two
Eyed Lady |
June 01, 2014 |
dam |
Joe Again |
SC Two
Eyed Jacque |
Lil Becky
Playgirl |
- 2009 AQHA sorrel mare
This very thickly build
mare has been started under saddle this year, been on a few cattle drives,
roped the hot heels, had about 60 outside rides and is doing great.
See her full pedigree at
sire |
Mr Sun
O Lena
x Doc Olena |
Sun Olena |
Miss Hickory
x Doc's Hickory |
Chunkymunky |
May 15, 2009 |
dam |
x Peponita |
Miss Jazzy
Pepalito |
Kid Charge
x Whiz Kid Charge |
January 2014
The gang - 2013 weanlings
Hickory With Cows aka Hicks, Plenty O Irish Miss aka Ginger, Roxy Smokey
Pep aka Pep, and ST Robbin Tha King aka Trooper enjoy a sunny day in one
of the coldest winters we have had in years. These foals take advantage
of our offer to winter foals purchased from us with halter training and
daily handling. |
December 2013
2013 weanlings Roxy Smokey
Pep aka Pep, Hickory With Cows aka Hicks, and ST Robbin Tha King aka Trooper
wish everybody Happy Holidays! |
July 2013
Some of our ranch remuda.
Twister, a black gelding
by Midnight Bullit, a black paint stallion we, unfortunately, had to geld
early on due to having too many stallions at the ranch. As an after thought
- a big mistake, because he and his son Twister are two of the best ranch
horses we own, tall build, big boned, and great dispositions.
Flash, a sorrel gelding by
Docs Sabre Glo, the sire of many of our good broodmares.
Amigo, a gray gelding by
MB Smart Smokey, who can also be found in the blood lines of many of our
broodmares. |
July 2013
A hot day in July. Our saddle
and broodmare prospects enjoy a swim in the lake. |
June 2013
Cowboy Jake bringing some
of the horses back to the ranch.
Her rides Cherry, a sorrel
gelding by our bay stallion Dualin With Cows.
Coming home are
- saddle horse Whiskey, a
brown gelding by Plenty O Paddys Lena.
- saddle horse Pablo, a Peppy
San / Utopian Wix bred gray gelding who had a very promising first foal
crop but was gelded due to having too many stallions at the ranch. Truth
to be hold - every good stallion makes an even better gelding when it comes
to using horses.
- Gold Lacy Poco with her
2013 buckskin filly by Dualin With Cows and
- Tee Bar Jeep with her 2013
chestnut stud colt by Dualin With Cows. |
March 2013
Broodmares looking forward
to Spring.
These are
Hickory Bella Doc (bay),
Catalena Freckles (bay),
Gold Lacy Poco (palomino),
Tee Bar Jeep (sorrel),
and Ame Go Red Glo (chestnut). |
August 2012
Our broodmare prospects,
all half sisters by a Doc Olena bred stallion. Except the chestnut with
the big star and snip, she slipped in this group. This is Cowgirl Up Smartie
who, at least, shares a grandfather (Mr Sun O Lena) with the other mares. |
May 2012
Two year old saddle prospects
Dual Cherry Wine by Dualin
With Cows,
Golden Shining Star by Dorky
Frosty Spark and
Sparky Pines Sabrett by
Dorky Frosty Spark |
August 2013
Spike - 2013 APHA stud colt,
in halter training with my nephew who is visiting from Germany. Obviously
he doesn't take his job very seriously :-) |
July 2013
Two Step - 2001 gray gelding,
stands only about 14 hands, a sometimes stubborn little bugger who gets
along with everybody - but the roping dummy ;-) |
June 2013
Silver - 2012 gray Half-Arabian
stud colt. His half brother had me impressed so much with his smarts that
I purchased this little guy when he came up for sale, to see if the smarts
are from the sires side. They sure are! |
June 2013
Dancer - 2008 dunskin gelding.
He stands about 16 hands, sure a tall horse. He was used as a ranch horse
since he was broke, working cattle, brandings, doctoring, you name it,
he's done it. Most cowboys prefer a horse with a lot of go, while Dancer
is more on the laid back side, not lazy but also not high strung. This
is why his owner traded him in for a higher energy horse from us.
We use Dancer at the ranch,
most anybody can ride him and push cows around with him.
Dancer will be for sale
later this fall. |
July 2013
Picasso - smartest horse
I ever worked with. He is by a purebred Arabian out of a speed bred APHA
mare. Someone would think that produces a very high strung horse - wrong
thinking. He is very easy to work with. Unfortunately life is getting away
with us, he had a ride on him in the roundpen, but no further training
(yet). |
July 2013
Smoking Hot Roxy (2012 AQHA
filly), Picasso (2010 AHA gelding), and Silver (2012 AHA stallion) check
out their new toy. |
September 2011
Dorky Frosty Spark with
his mares Golden Girl and Gold Lacy Poco and their 2011 foals - Frosty's
daughters |
May 2012
The proud papa (gray) with
Windy Dual Gun's 2012 filly, born May 2nd, picture taken May 3rd. |
Horses in the Lake Pasture
(dry broodmares and young horses). The Lake Pasture has very rough, rocky
footing and teaches the young ones to become very surefooted. |
March 2012
Riding horses in their winter
pasture, fully visible here Red, Scrupino and Babina. Cowboy Tav makes
a head count. |
August 2010
Mac - 2004 APHA gelding.
He stands about 15.3 hands but looks like 17 - a huge horse with a lot
of energy. He is my personal saddle horse - not the kind of horse for many
riders, we have an agreement who controls whom, this agreement falls apart
even if shared with experienced other riders.
You think you can fly? Ride
this horse ... :-) |
August 2005
Too Foxy - 1994 APHA gelding
Foxy was a life insurance
of a horse, equally great for beginners pushing cows as for cowboys getting
the work done. He was the one the bottom of the pecking order in the herd,
yet he was a breeding stud with his own band of mares until he was gelded
as a 6year old. He had an accident that deformed his left eye, a cut in
his ear, and his coloring was not to everybodies taste, thus he was referred
to as "Heike's ugly paint" at the ranch. But when a crew of Chicago photographers
came out to ask to borrow a horse for their next motorcycle calender -
they picked Foxy out of a herd of twentyfive horses - go figure.
Foxy passed away way too
early due to colic complications. |
Horse Ranch s
52 Wenger Road s
Devils Tower, WY 82714 sUSA
Heike Bohl s
ph 307-756-3907 s